Corporate Stewardship

“Being environmental stewards, socially responsible, and governing with transparency form the basis of our operations.”

-Paul Ciminelli, President & CEO

Ciminelli’s first Corporate Stewardship Report is here! From reducing our carbon footprint to championing community involvement, we are taking significant steps every day to create a better environment for employees, clients, and our community members. This report marks the beginning of our journey, which will continue to be full of learning, developing, and implementing programs and processes that continue to expand and promote environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and transparency in governance.


Corporate Stewardship in a Nutshell







About the Corporate Stewardship Initiative Team

In 2022, Ciminelli Real Estate Corporation created the Corporate Stewardship Initiative (CSI) Team, composed of individuals across various departments. This CSI team, with diverse experiences and expertise, seeks to enhance Ciminelli’s operations in a sustainable and responsible manner.

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