Ciminelli Real Estate Corporation Announces New Co-Chairs Of Corporate Stewardship Team

Thu, May 30th 2024 12:14pm

In the last year and a half, Ciminelli Real Estate Corporation has taken major strides in their commitment to environmental, social, and governance initiatives to create a better environment for employees, clients, and community members. Most recently, the company was thrilled to announce new Co-Chairs of their Corporate Stewardship Initiative (CSI) Team, MacKenzie Tierney and Barbara Kenefick. Both individuals bring a wealth of experience and expertise in sustainability and corporate responsibility to their roles. With their strong leadership and passion for making a difference, they are well-equipped to guide the company towards its environmental, sustainability, and governance goals.

In 2022, Ciminelli appointed a CSI Team, a group composed of seven individuals across departments, tasked to enhance the company’s operations in a sustainable and responsible manner. They evaluate processes and implement measures that reduce environmental footprints, promote social responsibility, and enhance corporate governance, to create a framework for the business to further guide their actions and future endeavors.

After the team released their first Corporate Stewardship Report in 2023, naming two influential Co-Chairs felt like a natural next step to further the group’s efforts. Tierney has a background in Marketing and was responsible for the collection of data, organization, and design of the team’s report. She is instrumental in developing corporate social responsibility programs by bringing employees and community members together to influence positive change.

Kenefick complements Tierney’s creative and community-based strengths with her background in Corporate Services. She has extensive experience in driving forward actions that reduce company costs and boost economic sustainability, due to her expertise in ethical business practices, vendor management, and corporate transparency. Together, Tierney and Kenefick form a dynamic team that will drive Ciminelli’s CSI agenda forward.

Ciminelli Real Estate recognizes the importance of engaging employees and stakeholders in their CSI efforts. They believe that collective action is essential for driving change. In addition to the CSI Team, the group is looking to encourage employees to get involved through a new sub-committee program they will be rolling out later this year.

Employees will be invited to provide input and feedback on Corporate Stewardship initiatives to gain a more holistic perspective on the actions that shape the program and how they align with Ciminelli’s needs, expectations, and values.

Looking ahead, the CSI Team envisions a future where a focus on environmental, social, and governance practices are ingrained in every aspect of Ciminelli’s operations and community projects. They are committed to continually improving their sustainability and corporate responsibility performance and setting new industry standards in Western New York. The team plans to enhance their waste management practices, explore innovative technologies that minimize environmental impact, and become a leader in corporate transparency and reporting. By effectively communicating their CSI efforts and progress and sharing best practices and lessons learned, they aim to inspire other companies in the region to follow suit.

About Ciminelli’s Corporate Stewardship Initiatives
From reducing the company’s carbon footprint to championing community involvement, Ciminelli is taking significant steps every day to create a better environment for all. The creation of the CSI Team marked the beginning of the journey, which will continue to be full of learning, developing, and implementing programs and processes that continue to expand and promote environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and transparency in governance.