
Ciminelli’s HOA Management services team can assist your board of directors to effectively maintain the community on a day-to-day basis and make informed decisions. When deciding if HOA management is what your board needs, consider these long-term benefits for your community.
2 min 45 sec

Whether you’re an experienced renter, or this is your first time renting, finding the perfect apartment that fits both your lifestyle and budget can be a difficult task. Check out this guide of the top considerations that should make it onto your checklist when searching for an apartment.
4 min 46 sec
The ongoing pandemic has forced organizations and employees to adopt new ways of working to keep business running smoothly while minimizing the health risk to employees and clients. Let's explore how leaders are uniquely and creatively reimagining how work will continue in the near future.
3 min 59 sec

It seems intuitive that commercial real estate properties proximate to public transportation would be more sought after, and would, therefore, have higher property values and draw higher rental rates. So, let’s take a look at some of the data that confirms a longstanding rule of real estate development: location matters.
3 min 23 sec

There is no blueprint to follow when it comes to handling the changes brought about by the coronavirus pandemic. Instead, there is only reliance on our previous experience, real time updates from our global network, and confidence that we can be industry leaders in this time of crisis.
2 min 31 sec

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, many buildings that housed “non-essential” businesses have been temporarily vacated. It’s important to realize that an empty building is simply idle, not abandoned. During times like this, Ciminelli’s Property Management professionals carefully maintain affected buildings to ensure a seamless reopening when the time comes.
2 min 36 sec

On this episode of Ciminelli Chats, we had the opportunity to sit down with Denise Juron-Borgese, VP of Development and Planning at Ciminelli, and Stuart Green, Owner of Braymiller Market, to discuss their joint experiences while developing the 201 Ellicott Project in downtown Buffalo.
24 min 4 sec

Construction and development projects are notoriously stressed by schedules and budgets; add a global pandemic to the mix, and it becomes obvious that our ability to adapt is of great value. Over the past several weeks, our team has realized that some of our processes and procedures have really made a difference in decision making, planning, and reacting to the changing business landscape.
2 min 29 sec

Business as “UN” usual—24/7 service delivery provides the foundation during extraordinary situations
While crises on the scale of COVID-19 are fortunately rare, our Property Management Service Team deals with emergencies of significance to our clients with regularity. The same skills that make us pros at dealing with fires, pipes that have burst, or vaults that won’t open, have helped make us ready for the current situation.
2 min 36 sec

“The building owner presented this off-market opportunity to our joint venture following our successful acquisition of 6 Riverside Dr. last year," said Ryan Zebro, VP of Investments at Ciminelli. “We were approached because there was surety of execution. Our tenant focus is highly regarded and complements our strong property management platform.”
1 min
Location matters to both your employees and your clients, so it's important to get this crucial aspect of your new office space right. Here are five considerations when choosing a new office location.
5 min 35 sec
Cities want visitors to be intrigued by what they have to offer, businesses to thrive in their surrounding environment, and residents to be proud to call it home. For all of this to happen, the infrastructure of cities – the structures and services that act as a basis for the economy and quality of life - must continue to grow and meet the demands of an increasing population.
2 min 7 sec
BOMA’s annual TOBY award is the most prestigious and comprehensive award of its kind in the commercial real estate industry, recognizing quality in commercial buildings and rewarding excellence in building management; it is an extensive process and a huge accomplishment. Let’s take a look at a few of the benefits you may not have considered.
3 min 34 sec

On Episode 4 of Ciminelli Chats, we sit down with special guests from Ciminelli’s Residential Property Management Team to discuss the company's residential history, trends in the Buffalo market, and best practices for residential management.
15 min 6 sec
Searching for commercial office space can be an exciting endeavor; there are so many potential options, no matter the reason for your search. This is what you should be asking to help you determine if the space you are touring is the best fit for your company.
4 min 34 sec
Gathering data from our portfolio totaling over 26M square feet revealed several interesting data points. Here, we’ve ranked the top ten work orders from least to most requested.
3 min 18 sec
Bethune Lofts is one of Ciminelli’s historical residential renovation projects. Since the building was originally built in 1917, it is full of rich history that sets it apart from other residential buildings in the Buffalo area. While reminiscing on Bethune’s history, we thought we would share some of the building’s most interesting facts.
2 min 45 sec

In this episode, we take a deep dive into EOS with Ciminelli’s Vice President of Human Resources, Mariann Stiles.
11 min 15 sec
Procuring services and identifying vendors for a real estate portfolio of over 14 million square feet has helped our team develop a proven process that results in finding ideal vendors for our customers. Although there is a great deal of work that goes into finding that perfect match, we thought we’d narrow it down to our top 5 tips for vendor procurement.
3 min 11 sec
Renewing a commercial lease can be a complex situation for corporate tenants. As experts in commercial brokerage services, the team at Ciminelli Real Estate Corporation has compiled a list of helpful tips to consider before renewing your commercial lease.
2 min 39 sec